I'm in High School
Ready to explore what your career and post-secondary options are after graduation and what it will take to get you there?
Yes, I'm readyWhether you’re looking for a helping hand, some general guidance, advice, or support, we’ve got you covered.
This Transition Guide will help you and your support team design a plan to get you ready for what comes after high school. With a plan in place, your transition will be less intimidating and less stressful, so you can look ahead to what’s next with a real feeling of excitement and confidence.
The guide includes information on transition planning, contains a checklist of recommended tasks you should complete during the transition process, and offers resources that may be helpful to you.
Let the planning begin!
Getting ready for post-secondary education should be an exciting time, and this Transition Guide is filled with resources that will help you prepare for this next step in your life.
The guide walks you through how to make a plan, including how to decide which school and program are right for you, the steps to get you there, as well as information on financial assistance, academic support, and resources that can assist you along the way.
Start planning your future today!
Want to know more about the work Transition NB does to help youth living with a mobility disability? Look no further!
This brochure gives you an overview of our program, shares some of our success stories, and lets you know how to get in touch.
Ready to explore what your career and post-secondary options are after graduation and what it will take to get you there?
Yes, I'm readyReady to live on your own, get into college or university, or land that dream job?
Yes, I'm readyContact us at 1-866-462-9555 or info@abilitynb.ca
to set up a referral time.